Mt. Royal Chiropractic



Chiropractic Care |Massage Therapy | Acupuncture | Orthotics

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is based on the scientific fact that your nervous system controls the function of every cell, tissue, organ, and system of your body. Your nervous system consists of your brain, spinal cord, and millions of nerves. Your brain is protected by the skull and the spinal cord by the spinal column via the 24 moving bones of the spine. Many everyday activities, whether occupational or recreational, can cause these spinal bones to lose their normal position, motion or function. This can lead to pain and abnormal wear and tear.

History of Chiropractic

Hippocrates, the "father of medicine" said, "In all disease look first to the spine." Often neck pain, headaches, and low back pain can be directly related to problems with the spine. The spine is the protective bone casing for the spinal cord, a cable of nerves that act as the message or relay centre for the entire body. When one of the bones of the spine, a vertebrae, isn't moving properly or loses its normal function, the result can be irritation of a nerve and that may cause pain. Taking a pill only masks the problem. Chiropractors work to solve the problem. Chiropractors have spent over 100 years refining techniques that are proven to relieve the pain caused by spine and joint problems.

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Massage Therapy



Orthotics are designed to treat various biomechanical foot conditions presenting as pain either in the foot, knee, hip, and even possibly the low back.

They are ideally custom fitted and in my office, we take a custom impression of the foot in a semi-weight bearing casting material, and send the impression directly to the manufacturer for fabrication.

The prescription is analyzed by clinical staff and manufactured accordingly by the Orthotic Group in Markham, Ontario, managed and operated by podiatrists.

Care in proper fit of any device that applies force to the body must be taken to ensure good results and to prevent unwanted problems.

Functional correction of abnormal foot and ankle biomechanics is the ultimate goal of the orthotic, thus minimizing abnormal wear and tear conditions in the individual and patient.

The orthotics prescribed by myself are semi-rigid in nature, primarily casted in sub-talar neutral, focusing on restoring normal foot-arch mechanics.

Foot pain is not normal and should not be ignored.

Please call Dr. Julian Politylo at 403-244-1600 for an orthotic consultation and pricing.

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